There is a new threat to the Denver sewer system, it is known as the disposable wet wipe. Our nation and especially Denver has seen a jump in the senior citizen population and a baby boom! Elder care facilities and new moms are flushing the disposable wet wipes down the toilet, even though they are disposable, they do not flush well. What happens is with the influx of wet wipes being flushed, they start to back up toilets and clog sewer lines when bunched up too quickly. If your home our business is being plagued by the over population of the wet wipe, please call Perma-Liner at 866-336-2568. Denver, this is a less invasive solution that will save you money and is “trenchless.” If you own a plumbing business in Denver and want to increase your clientele and income plan to attend the Perma-Liner US Tour, next stop is in Louisville, Kentucky on Wednesday, August 13, 2014. Registration is FREE! Call Perma-Liner now at 866-336-2568 or visit our website to register