The mile high city has a great event coming up! Denver will host this year’s American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Annual Conference on Water Resources. Starting on Monday, November 16 and ending Thursday, November 19, the conference will be held in downtown Denver at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Denver. You can look forward to an engaging week of cutting edge presentations on timely water resources issues, and for dialogue with fellow water resource movers and shakers from across the country and throughout the world. What an opportunity to explore the challenges that are faced by water resources professionals the world over. The sessions address timely water issues such as water stewardship; pharmaceuticals/personal care products in wastewater; agricultural water conservation; exploring water-related issues such as: Western water law; innovative technologies; water and petroleum production; coastal challenges and a number of other current topics of interest. This AWRA Annual Conference represents an opportune moment for practitioners and policy makers across the spectrum of the water resources community to share their experiences, learn from one another, and share their outlook and visions for the future of water resources. The American Water Resources Association’s mission is to foster communication across all disciplines involved in the water resources community thereby creating lasting connections which will help forge solutions to our nation’s ever increasing water resources challenges.

Denver, Perma-Liner Industries has more great news! We’ve got a profit making powerhouse in our inventory and it’s our 22 foot Perma-Main™ Top Gun Trailer system. Training is included with this package deal and it’s our best ‘turn-key’ solution we have for you to replace a conventional dig. This impressive system can rehabilitate 6”-10” diameter pipelines. It also comes with a zero down, no payment for 90 days offer. Call us or go online to find out more. 1-866-336-2568 or